"It's on us this year" by T-mac


Heading into last year's first round playoff series, Tracy made his now famous comment: 「If we don't make it past the first round, it's on me.」 A more mature T-Mac is getting geared up for this year's playoff series with a different mindset.

去年第一輪季後賽開打之前,T-mac在接受訪問時說出了那句最著名的話,「如果我們沒辦法同過第一輪,那一切都是我的責任!」 現在更加成熟的T-mac準備以另一種心態面對季後賽的挑戰。

compete as a team. I'm not out there by myself. That's what I tell people. Don't single me out. I singled myself out [last year] because I felt like it was the first time I was favored to win a playoff series, and I just wanted my teammates to relax and put all the pressure and attention on me. It had to be on me. I was the guy handling the ball 90 percent of the time. (Teammates)
weren't doing what they have been doing this year because of the structure of the offense. I was running pick-and-rolls, creating shots for everybody. That's why I said it was on me, because I had to do so much.


「我們全隊一起在場上拼鬥,我不再是孤軍奮戰。這就是我告訴大家的,別只看我一個。 我去年把一切扛了下來,因為我以為去年很有機會闖進第二輪,我當時只是希望能讓隊友們能放鬆心情,我寧可一切的壓力和焦點都在我身上。我必須這麼做,因為有90% 的時間裡球都在我手上。因為進攻體系不同,去年的隊友沒辦法像今年這樣子打,所以我得不斷的pick-and-rolls,努力為其它人製造投籃空檔。這就是為什麼我去年會說 "It's on me",因為我就是得做這麼多。」

This season, it's a lot deeper team. And we got a different style of play. There is a lot more motion on the offensive end. I'm not going to put that phrase on me this year.」

今年我們的板凳深度大大的加強,打法也不同以往,在進攻時不斷的跑動。我今年不需要再說"It's on me"了。

With their opponent not decided until after tonight's games, the Rockets are trying to gather some momentum for their first round series. Despite his struggles in the past, Tracy is optimistic and excited about getting another shot in the playoffs.


「「You have to keep on trying, man, just keep on trying,」 McGrady said. 「I 』m fortunate enough to be in a situation to try to make it happen.」



" It's on us this year "


還記得去年季後賽前 T-mac 慷慨激昂的在接受訪問時說了:「It's on me!」

今年對houston rockets來說是個多災多難卻又令人動容的一年





rockets go!

就是明天啦!!!!!!!!! (還好剛好開始放假,每一場都能準時收看XD)

Houston Rockets : Where Amazing Happens

